Category Archives: Business Management

Are You Missing This Key Strategy?

As the Web and Social Networking have rapidly become the valuable business tool, small businesses have new opportunities for selling their products and services. The good news — and it is largely good news — is that everyone has a chance to stand out. Everyone has a chance to learn, improve, and build up their skills. Everyone has a chance to stand up and be counted.

One way is to build influence and trust so that you can increase sales of your product or service. Influence is the new catch word. Angie’s List and Yelp have made a business out … Read More

Are the Sharks Biting?

It’s Mid-Year! Are you ahead of the wave? Are the “sharks” at your heals? What keeps you on top?

My members know I enjoy watching “Shark Tank”, a group of successful entrepreneurs looking to get their teeth (and money) into more entrepreneurial endeavors. I watch in order to understand what investors look for in the individuals that present themselves.

Here is what I’ve learned:
1. How you present yourself says a lot. Can you tell your prospects in 90 seconds a problem-oriented, attention-getting statement about what you do? You may not be looking for investors, but you are always looking … Read More

The Power of the Business Card: It Brands You and Creates a Source of Leads When You Collect Others

How often do you attend a networking event only to find you did not bring enough business cards?  Or perhaps the one person you want to connect with had run out of cards and all you could do is give them yours, with the hope they would follow up?

Never down play the power of a good business card and the leverage it can have.  Your Business card is one of the
most classic ways to brand you, your business or service.  They are inexpensive, portable and a powerful marketing tool.

Your business card helps you put your best foot … Read More

Do It Now!

One of the most important qualities that leads business owners to success is being a self-starter. Within this quality is the ability to manage time for achieving life’s dreams and goals. So much has been written and spoken about time management, but what is the controlling factor that affects how we use our time?

People say it is having a passion for what we do and want. Others say it is sticking to a plan, or being accountable to someone. It is probably all of that plus “awareness.” Here is what I mean by awareness. If you haven’t tapped into … Read More

Business Security: Behold Your Customer!

We are living in a world of change. Competition is engaging in price wars, customers expect more for their dollars. Businesses can no longer be in the business of selling products and services—you must be selling a “customer experience.” According to Bloomberg BusinessWeek Research Services “a customer experience is not one thing but many: It is the practical and emotional manifestation of how a company delivers on the promise it makes to its customers through … every direct and indirect customer encounter a company has across all its customer or enterprise functions.”

Ultimately, your business exists to do two things:… Read More

The Yearly Dilemma

 By Barbara Eldridge

 Are you keeping up with the pace of change?  The pace of technology? The pace of your marketplace? The pace of your competition?  The Yearly Dilemma is how much do you and your business have to change to keep pace?  As a business owner you need to have information at your finger tips that help you make the best decisions. 

 Planning each year is a hands on process.  You might start by asking some tough questions. 

 Do you recognize the need for change?

Are you prepared to look reality in the face?

Are you willing to change … Read More

Is Getting It Done, Putting You in Overwhelm?

When I have asked my solo-preneur/small business owners how they plan and keep track of their work I usually find they keep overwhelming lists of to dos.

Having just finished Mind Masters 3rd Quarter Strategy workshop I always stress that a specific plan of action is essential to progress and success. A worthwhile plan is more then a to do list, it is a design, a blueprint. 

        ~Action steps implement the chosen strategy and tactics to realize chosen goals and   results. 

        ~Action steps or action planning is a tedious, but critical, part of the planning process. It is a … Read More

Do You Know if Your Business is Working for You?

Last time I talked about the importance of developing basic systems and procedures for all areas of the business. Probably the most ignored or avoided area I have seen with small business owners is a system or program in place for regular review of progress. Just like any game, there must be a score card in order to determine the outcome. Nothing is accomplished by setting objectives, resolutions, and behaviors unless you utilize the business resources required to measure it.

#1. How often do you review your outcomes?
In business a monthly or quarterly review will help determine where the … Read More

Is Your Business Working for You?

In working with entrepreneurs over the last 20 years I have emphasized the importance of developing basic systems and procedures for all areas of the business. The more new things that get introduced, whether its technology, new markets, new products or services, without the basics it costs you money.

There are days when so much is going on, it doesn’t leave much time for improvement or making your business work better. Starting with some basics allows you to adjust one thing at a time.

Of all the areas that small business owners violate the most are marketing and sales. Consistency … Read More

The Foundations of Excellent Time Management

Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life lies in eliminating the nonessentials. Chinese proverb

  Have you ever wished that you could have 30 hours in a day? If you are like most people, more often than not, you are plowing through your day full speed with all possible energy and ability and yet at the end of the day, you still find yourself floundering for enough time to do everything you had wanted to do.

  Time is a unique resource. Every person every day is assigned … Read More