Category Archives: Leadership

Have You Found the “Silver Bullet”?

How many books, e-books, programs, workshops etc. have you bought into lately looking for that “silver bullet” for success? The “silver bullet” of success means different things to different people. During time of economic change I have found business owners questioning what success really means to them. It was not too long ago that many thought go back and getting a “job” was that silver bullet. Funny how things change.

Success is very personal, and it is up to each of us to discover it for ourselves. It requires a vast reserve of inner strength which is based on your … Read More

Are You Listening?

There was a saying I learned many years ago about the sales process that said “selling ain’t telling, it’s asking questions”. I think we can all agree that we don’t want to be told about a product or service, but respond well when someone spends the time to really understand what we want and why it is important to us. The key here is good listening skills. Do you understand the difference talking, telling and communicating? Effective, Successful, result-oriented, persuasive communication is far different from the day to day version – it takes Knowledge, thought, planning and execution.

  • How would
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Meet Our Members

Upcoming event information:

Interview with Kathy Cazin and Linda Harris Online – Details will be sent upon registration

Date: 15 July 2010, Thursday 02:00 PM

Kathy Cazin of Accountkeepers of San Diego helps clients set up an accounting system that is custom tailored to their needs.

Kathy and her staff help make it work for clients because they are QuickBooks experts who specialize in setting up home and business financial records for keeping track of where the money is being spent. Their instructions are explained at a level that’s easily understood by everyone, beginners to advanced. Soon a “word person” … Read More

Seeds of Success

As you look to this year you must positively expect good things to happen. Your belief and attitude about business, money, relationships, education, IQ, the government, what you’re capable of, how deserving you are and more will be the seeds that determine your success.

Your beliefs or what I call the 900 Pound Gorilla—are what hold you back. What it will take to set your plans in action is learning how to install new beliefs, and attitudes.

Defining your business Vision is one of your most important exercises to support and create on going success. Without the Vision, nothing you … Read More

A Special Recognition Award

A special Mind Masters award was created this year. To run a successful business, you must be able to plan ahead and also be able to manage the many parts the business and understand how they relate to each other, while still meeting the challenges of a changing marketplace. Last year’s Entrepreneur of the Year has been able to stay on top in an economic environment that has been hard on his construction industry. Putting his house in order with new accounting methods, formalizing his corporation and his continual pursuit of customer satisfaction, he has continued to expand his network … Read More

How Do You Spell Success?

Now for the 2009-10 Mind Masters Entrepreneur of the Year Award! Achieving success depends upon our ability to believe what we want is possible. The Mind Masters Entrepreneur of the Year is a person had a terrific year! Her 2009 started on a low, but a true achiever overcomes all adversity. Staying focused to daily, and weekly sales activity put her ahead of the pack, ending the year 200% up over last year. Recognized by her company as a member of the special Million Dollar Roundtable and Agent of the Year in the San Diego New York Life office – … Read More

Going for the Gold

Leadership requires the ability to control what is in your power to control, to give people clarity, direction, and a sense of security, to chart a course and set goals your employees believe are attainable. The Mind Masters Gold Award Achiever stands out this year for taking charge of his business. After years of working with independent contractors the realization that in order to grow, the business needed policies and procedures. Not always easy to reign in people who have been doing it their way, our achiever stepped up to the plate and moved from technician to manager and is … Read More

Entrepreneur Receives Award

One of the 5 Entrepreneurs recognized for their persistence and focus to the goals they set last year is a true achiever. In these challenging times there is security in being a subcontractor and it is risky to step out on your own, but our Mind Masters Silver Achiever was willing to give up that security and learn what it takes market herself. I have seen her take on new projects that meant learning new technology to stay up in her field.

With guidance from Mind Masters she recognized the importance of tracking and planning her prospecting to achieve her … Read More

Entrepreneur Awards

At the end of each year I like to recognize Mind Masters members for their accomplishments. I have selected 5 Entrepreneurs to recognize for their persistence and focus to the goals they have set.

Our Bronze Achiever for 2009/10 is a person who hasn’t been in Mind Masters all that long, but has been in business for about 10 years. Recognizing that something needed to change as business was getting stagnant, it meant stepping out of the shadows –taking some risks, beginning to network, and showing up in a redesigned website. Of course he joined Mind Masters to get it … Read More