Category Archives: Marketing

Trust Changes Everything

speed-of-trustHaving just finished the book, The Speed of Trust – The One thing that Changes Everything, by Steven M. R. Covey, I presented some of the ideas to our Mind Masters Groups as we build our “brand” by building trust.

People do business with people they like.  So business is based on relationships.  The relationship matters as much as the service – maybe even more.  When people like you, they trust you and want to work with you.

What we are talking about here is that customers buy from people not corporations.  So to succeed you need to promote yourself Read More

How Does Branding Differ from Sales and Marketing?

Sales is convincing, overcoming objections, and getting a check. You’re doing the talking.

Marketing is the process of generating leads that get you in front of those prospects.

Branding is influencing, pre-selling. Branding appeals to desires and touches emotions. Its first goal: to emotionally predispose consumers into entering a business relationship with you.
Today, we live in a skeptical culture – a culture that doesn’t want to be sold anything. When your branding is done correctly, the sale is made virtually without effort. Prospects arrive “pre-sold.”

Branding doesn’t happen right out of the box. As your own marketer you have … Read More

Get Customers to Talk for You

eyeIf you had to guess, what percentage of people are visually oriented: that is, they need to see something before buying it – you know they need to drive a car, feel the material of a suit/dress or preview a house before purchasing it? More than 95% of people are visual consumers. So how do you a service provider create this opportunity?

Why not start with a testimonial from a client who has had a very positive experience working with you? How many times have you heard, “I don’t know how to thank you”? That is the perfect time to … Read More

Do Dreams Come True & Your “Engine that Could!”

Do Dreams Come True?

As I was growing up, the only thing I learned to focus on because my parents said that was what was important was getting good grades. Maybe because I was more of a dreamer I experienced doing and having the things that dreams are made of. Goal setting was not formalized for me until later. But one of my members recently shared the real experience of setting the goal.

She had just gotten back from a wonderful trip she had set a goal for. She had spent the time setting money aside, planning the activities so … Read More

Cut Out the Risk

Keeping up to date on legal matters is usually the last thing on the to-do list of most small business owners; unless of course we need a lawyer fast. As small business owners risk management sounds too corporate, so I am often asked, how risk management affects us?

Generally, Risk Management is the process of measuring, or assessing risk and then developing strategies to manage the risk, that business owners need to stay on top of.  Look at the structure of the business, which in some cases will dictate what kind and amount of insurance is needed to protect us … Read More

Networking: What Does That Mean to You?

Mind Masters NetworkingHaving spent a good part of my early life shy and introverted, the idea of marketing myself was the biggest challenge I had to overcome. It meant I would have to overcome the fear of talking to people or risk not accomplishing my goals. Putting myself into first a monthly networking group and then a weekly executive group got me out of those uncomfortable feelings (small steps).

Networking helped me focus on helping other people with their problems. So I built my Success Motivation business and Mind Masters program by Networking, which provided me with the lessons along the way … Read More

Do You Have a Niche Market: Refocus How You Show Up

Common solution ConceptOne of the biggest mistakes business owners make when developing their business plan is not understanding who the ideal client is. You simply can’t be everything to everyone. This is especially true when you start to brand yourself.

When building your personal brand strategy, the quality of your clients is more than the quantity. Your goal is to fill the pipeline with profitable and appreciative clients. You want to design your marketing strategy to attract the kinds of clients who you want to work with, that in turn will increase your income while reducing your work hours.

To get those … Read More

Referrals that Work or Work for Referrals

Do you remember when you joined your first formal referral or leads group? There was always instruction on how to network, give referrals and structure your 30/60 second promotional to ask for the kind of referrals you wanted. In many cases these did not deliver the results you were expecting. Networking is a marketing tactic that requires planning and structure.

How to make networking work!

Power Partners position you to strategically refer and receive referrals from people calling on the same ideal customer. In one of my early networking groups there was a fee only financial planner who built her … Read More

Are You Missing This Key Strategy?

As the Web and Social Networking have rapidly become the valuable business tool, small businesses have new opportunities for selling their products and services. The good news — and it is largely good news — is that everyone has a chance to stand out. Everyone has a chance to learn, improve, and build up their skills. Everyone has a chance to stand up and be counted.

One way is to build influence and trust so that you can increase sales of your product or service. Influence is the new catch word. Angie’s List and Yelp have made a business out … Read More

Are the Sharks Biting?

It’s Mid-Year! Are you ahead of the wave? Are the “sharks” at your heals? What keeps you on top?

My members know I enjoy watching “Shark Tank”, a group of successful entrepreneurs looking to get their teeth (and money) into more entrepreneurial endeavors. I watch in order to understand what investors look for in the individuals that present themselves.

Here is what I’ve learned:
1. How you present yourself says a lot. Can you tell your prospects in 90 seconds a problem-oriented, attention-getting statement about what you do? You may not be looking for investors, but you are always looking … Read More