Category Archives: Leadership

The 2009 Dilemma

Are you keeping up with the pace of change? The pace of technology? The pace of your marketplace? The pace of your competition? The 2010 Dilemma is how much do you and your business have to change to keep pace? As a business owner you need to have information at your finger tips that help you make the best decisions.

Planning for 2010 is a hands on process. You might start by asking some tough questions. Do you recognize the need for change?

  • Are you prepared to look reality in the face?
  • Are you willing to change the way you
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The Greatest Revolution

2007 can be a year you accomplish your greatest DREAMS. Fulfillment of those DREAMS demands well defined Goals and specific daily, monthly and yearly plans. In your planning and Goal setting process there is a need for tools to activate you and bring about the focus and behavior changes so necessary to effect the results you want.

For centuries one of the most powerful tools that people have used to reconstruct their mental belief systems is the tool of Visualization. You focus your energy and simply create a mental image of the goal you wish to attain. You experience the … Read More

Wake Your Sleeping Giant

Summer has arrived, the excitement of vacation looms large – BUT, as your Business Development Specialist I must ask, are you at the mid point for your 2006 Goals and Objectives? How many of you after these several months working day and night to achieve those goals you set in January to create a new service, introduce a new product or even design a new business model – all at once find all the drive that brought the initial motivation and excitement has melted away, the steam has run out, the place you are in is comfortable and the dream … Read More

Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

By Dana Bristol-Smith

Appeared in Presentations Magazine, April 2001

Knocking knees, butterflies (who came up with that word?) in your stomach, sweaty palms, quavering voice. We’ve all been there – some of us more than others. I’m going to share with you some of the tricks of the trade to help manage and reduce your anxiety before and during your presentation. These methods are tried and true and have helped many presenters.

How about having a conversation?

Use your mental energy to think of your next presentation as a conversation. You have conversations all day, every day! Do you get … Read More

Make It Happen

A New Year, new goals, new opportunities! Now that you have things sorted out and put together, put last year behind you, scrap the old plans and get ready for a new start. New things require new strategies, new tactics and new plans. There’s an old saying – if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. Einstein may have put it better when he defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results.

Over the last 15 years as I have worked with business owners who had dreams … Read More

Plan Your Year with Positive Expectancy

Happy New Year!!!!

Mind Masters started the year with our 15th Annual Planning Workshop, with a great group of entrepreneurs in attendance. There were sponsor tables with products and services for everyone, new materials, handouts and special ribbons. Larny J. Mack of Larny J. Mack Photography was the first Mind Masters member to receive The Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Although he struggled through the first part of the year, he found purpose in his work and the year turned out to be his best ever, his client list reads like who’s who in the building and manufacturing industry, not … Read More

A Driving Force

Last month we addressed the need to prepare for and anticipate growth for your business in the New Year. The planning process is time consuming, but necessary. In the many years I have spent working with growing business owners on the goals that help them determine their success, I have seen how important it is for them to share those goals and plans with people whose experience and expectations can contribute to that success.

Napoleon Hill in his classic work Think and Grow Rich stresses the absolute necessity of having a definite plan for the accomplishment of one’s goals. But … Read More

Keeping It All Together

Here we are in the second month of the year, are you already finding yourself coming and going, wondering how to get done all the things your business demands of you? Is it more like being in a batting cage with things coming at you, rather then in the game playing to win? Over the years I have experienced my clients suffering through those long lists of “got to get done” things, but what I have come to understand is most of those “things” are not focused, nor do they consistently support the things that really matter, your dreams and … Read More