Category Archives: Leadership

The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff from Mind MastersWhat is it inside of people that makes them willing to risk everything they have to be in business? Is it to join the league of greats like Ford, Carnegie, Hearst, Jobs, Gates or just to have the freedom of being in a business of their own?

Perhaps it is the spirit passed down by parents or grandparents who ran the butcher shops, bakeries and small service businesses from the beginning of time. Some say it is a burning desire that hits like a flash of lightening or an idea that begs to be developed.

At the height of it … Read More

Wisdom from a Pro

head_with_gear_treeLast week I interviewed a PR specialist for a BLOG Talk Radio show and thought you might appreciate some of her wisdom.

  1. You need to believe in yourself.  When the company she was working with shut their doors all she could think of was “I need to get a job”.  However the people she had worked with helped her see that she had the talent to go out on her own. Seeing herself through them, she developed the confidence and made it happen. Surround yourself with people who see you with positive expectations.
  2. You need to know your core strengths.
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What’s the Real Power of Your Brand?

For small business owners it might be scary to realize that You are the “power” of your brand. Power is not often looked on as a way of describing yourself. You might even hesitate using power words to describe what you do on your business cards.

So how do you develop the expertise necessary for your power to show up? Make a significant contribution in your area of expertise by becoming known as a leader, with the articles you write, presentations you make and how you serve.

Recently one of my clients has been curating articles on Business storytelling. As … Read More

What Do You Tell Yourself?

For years, I’ve ended meetings with the comment, “Have a Million Dollar Day.” It’s a little different than “Have a nice day,” in that it infers the power to make it great is yours–that outside circumstances don’t determine how good a day it is or isn’t.

But what MAKES it a Million Dollar Day? Everything in life starts with thought! As you think about the day ahead, how will you measure it? Most of us plan what we will do, but how many of us think about what will make it a truly successful day.

So what would it take … Read More

Who’s on First? What’s on Second? What Happened First Quarter? What Do You Want to Happen in Second Quarter?

Second quarter is around the corner. A series of days and weeks and months that passed whether or not you woke up each day with an action plan. Time passes with or without you having goals. Often business owners get caught up during the first three months of the year, cleaning up the past year, taxes, cleaning out files, or just rolling into the new year doing the same things. Or you fall short planning for accomplishing the things you desire in your life.

Sometimes the focus is too much on what you don’t want from the previous year, forgetting … Read More

Mind Masters Members Standout

New York Life San Diego General Office 2012 Agent of the Year awarded to Mary L Stockton, LUTCF, CLU®, CLTC, Financial Services Professional Agent for the most FYC production in the agency. Mary was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. She attended Kenyon College in Gambier Ohio and Boston University where she graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in History. Mary will celebrate 16 years with New York Life in April 2013 and 18 years in the industry. Since contracting with New York Life she has been a consistent Council Qualifier and has reached MDRT membership. … Read More

Commit to Your Goals

Commitment is the Mind Masters theme for 2013. This can be the year of your dreams, the year of great accomplishment, the year you realize and utilize your untapped potential; the year you achieve long sought after goals in all areas of your life. This year will be exciting and rewarding only if you make it so. You ask how can I determine to make it such a year? The year will hold accomplishment, realization and achievement only if you commit to making it happen; only if you enter and live each day with the commitment to be self disciplined.… Read More

Do it Now!

Twenty four hundred years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato said, “If a man would move the world, he must first move himself.”  That statement is as true today as it was then.  We not only can’t move the world, we can’t accomplish anything productive unless we translate our ideas, our plans and our decisions into immediate action.

We are at the 11th Hour (decision time) to end 2012 with a bang or a whimper.

What have you decided?  I hope you have chosen the “bang” – here’s why.  This last quarter is the time to gear up, to double and … Read More

Stand Out in the Crowded Marketplace

There are reasons these days that people distrust big business. They list a set of values on all their advertising, but rarely do they show up in reality. JCP has just come out with a new ad program that says they will treat us “fair and square” in how they price their merchandise. A nice promise but after 110 years, why is this just happening now?

Recently on a TV episode of Undercover Boss, The President & CEO of The Dwyer Group®, a company that has 8 Different Franchises across the Country was featured. Like most companies, The Dwyer Group® … Read More

How Do You Spell Success?

What it takes to be an Entrepreneur of the Year:

The willingness to stand alone

The confidence to challenge the conventional

The commitment to a vision

The passion for being on top

An ability to believe what we want is possible.

The Mind Masters Entrepreneur of the Year person had a good year! I have observed him willing to push himself into uncharted waters during tough times. Working on his vision for the future and transforming his business to grow has been his biggest challenge, but he has never let up and is always willing to learn. While handling clients, … Read More