Category Archives: Financial

Preparing for a Profitable 2018!

By Mary Jo Ray

We are down to the countdown for finishing up the year. In addition to pushing to reach your goals for this year, you need to look at what you learned this year to set the foundation for a more profitable 2018. Spend time to look at your financial statements and figure out what brought in money and how profitable it was. Look at how much money each service or product brought in and all the related costs. The related costs include the marketing dollars you spent and the time you and/or your staff spent. Start by Read More

Make it a Million Dollar Day!

Over the years in weekly Mind Masters meetings I end our meetings by encouraging members to use their power to make it a “Million Dollar Day. But what MAKES it a Million Dollar Day?

Everything in life starts with thought! As you think about the day ahead, how will you measure it? Most of us plan what we will do, but how many of us think about what will make it a truly successful day.

“This dynamic plays out in and around our lives every single day. Our thoughts drive our experience. Thoughts do, in fact, become things. Things like

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Do You Have a Personal User’s Guide?

Guest Article By: Karl Bimshas

If you did not come with a user’s guide, write one.

You might think working with you is a dream. You are in your head all day, so, you know your intentions and beliefs better than anyone else, and I am sure they are all sound and reasonable. The problem is; no one else is in there with you. Even your closest allies, those who know you inside and out, are sometimes sideswiped by your actions.


Because you are not nearly as clear as you think you are. You did not come with a … Read More

Up Your Game!

When I came across this article a few years back I recognized that it spoke to the small business owners that I have worked with over the years. Mind Masters has always been there to keep members focused on the high priority, high payoff areas of their businesses, but overcoming the battle of what putting a price tag on what they do, especially in the service sector, is sometimes their biggest hurdle. John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing speaks to that issue in a very direct way. Here’s the article he wrote in 2007, use it to up your game.… Read More

The 11th Hour – Decision Time

We are in the 11th Hour – November 2016- decision time to end with a bang or whimper!

Our newsletter last month was a full on wake up call to make sure your financial records are in order before taxes are due and to know where you are overall from a profit and loss perspective.  Hopefully you have taken some time to review and catch up.

This is also the time to assess some other aspects of your business and yourself. A strategic analysis is directed at looking at where your business is positioned in the present market. But … Read More

Time to Start Preparing for Year-End

By Jane Gilpin, CPA

With the fourth quarter well under way, it’s time to start thinking about the end of the year.  This is a busy time for everyone, especially for you as a solopreneur or small business owner.  A new tax filing season looms, so this is the perfect time to focus on the following tasks to help you get your taxes in order and your business planning off to a good start.

  • Get Your Financial Books in Order
  • Review Your Business Position
  • Gather Tax Documents and Consult with Your Tax Preparer
  • Plan for the Coming Year. 
  • Get
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Ten Step Annual Checkup for Business Owners

Financial Advice for your small businessMy friend Steven Leibold, San Diego Business Advisors, is an experienced tax accountant whose Ten Step Annual Checkup for Business Owners was our topic for last week. See what you may need to work on.

  1. Review all systems, policies, and procedures – Basically take a look at your business and see what is working and what is not working for you. If there are pieces of equipment, or procedures you are following that are out dated or not being used, no reason to keep them around. Improve upon what is working well, fix items that are worth fixing, and
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Are You Going for the Gold?

Gold_MedalHere we are in the second half of the year, the summer Olympics will start in a few weeks and I am working to open our minds to getting in the “GAME”. Of course some of us play the game differently. Maybe it is time to change the way we are playing

How can you play in a BIGGER Game? What would it take to “Go for the Gold”?

We have been watching the trials for getting on the Olympic Teams, these athletes spend hours practicing for that one chance to win a place on the team. We know they … Read More

Create a Business that has a Lasting Foundation

foundationIn last month’s newsletter I shared a program, BUILD A BUSINESS YOU LOVE: Build Your Business, Protect Your Assets & Leave a Legacy presented by one of our Mind Masters members who is a Business Broker. The premise of the program is to get you, the business owner thinking about making sure you are building a business with a smart foundation. In order to do that, you must create a systematized business. It’s absolutely critical to the future growth and success of your business.

Why? Well according to the Michael Gerber organization (The E Myth),” systems are essential to:

  • Build
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Ready, Set, Go! 2016 Has Started, Are You Ready?

I came across an article by a business broker that seemed to echo my theme when I do the first of the year Summit. Here’s how he starts out;

“Every January we all think about making resolutions such as: Losing weight, taking a vacation, moving our residence or even better relationships.

  • How about thinking about a Business Resolution for 2016?
  • If money were no object, what could you do to improve your business?
  • If you had a “not so good year”, what was the reason?
  • If you had a “great year”, what did you do to get there?

Can you Read More