Author Archives: Barbara Eldridge

Review…Resolve…Re-Energize Your Marketing

sept-news-graphicAs business owners it is important as each quarter comes to a close to look at whether your marketing has produced the results you set out to accomplish.

If you haven’t sent a marketing message to your customers in the last 90 days, then you’re no longer top of mind. Without an effective marketing strategy, and the budget to execute it, your business is missing the necessary tools and direction to grow.

Let’s stop and take a pulse on your game plan with some basics that must be in place before anything happens.

  • How up to date is your database
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Mind Masters is celebrating 25 years in September. So what happened in 25 years?

25yearsAfter having made the leap into entrepreneurship I have had the privilege of working with people who form the backbone of small business in America. Large corporations had Boards of Directors and CEO organizations to advise them. The small service business sector was out there on their own, often working alone.  I wanted Mind Masters to become their Advisory Board – they needed a sounding board, a forum, a support system for their ideas, a resource not often available because these are very small businesses. I too struggled with that feeling of “aloneness,” so it is what attracted them to … Read More

Are You Going for the Gold?

Gold_MedalHere we are in the second half of the year, the summer Olympics will start in a few weeks and I am working to open our minds to getting in the “GAME”. Of course some of us play the game differently. Maybe it is time to change the way we are playing

How can you play in a BIGGER Game? What would it take to “Go for the Gold”?

We have been watching the trials for getting on the Olympic Teams, these athletes spend hours practicing for that one chance to win a place on the team. We know they … Read More

Use the Butterfly Effect: Step-Up Your Game

JUNEAs June winds down, and we rethink and refocus the next six months I like to make sure my readers and my Mind Masters members are as excited to move forward as you were in January when you set goals for the year. It is so easy to tell ourselves that we missed the mark, or to even give up on some of the goals.

One of the most challenging things I have seen as I work with small business owners is falling into the trap of seeing what wasn’t accomplished or achieved instead of taking stock of achievements. Certainly Read More

Create a Business that has a Lasting Foundation

foundationIn last month’s newsletter I shared a program, BUILD A BUSINESS YOU LOVE: Build Your Business, Protect Your Assets & Leave a Legacy presented by one of our Mind Masters members who is a Business Broker. The premise of the program is to get you, the business owner thinking about making sure you are building a business with a smart foundation. In order to do that, you must create a systematized business. It’s absolutely critical to the future growth and success of your business.

Why? Well according to the Michael Gerber organization (The E Myth),” systems are essential to:

  • Build
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5 Ways to Stay On Top Of Your “Game”

5 Ways to Stay On Top Of Your “Game”With first quarter finished, I wanted to make sure all of my members were ready and willing to push on with the same enthusiasm they came out of the January Summit with. Sometimes more of the same just doesn’t motivate us to keep going. Maybe the plan was too aggressive, maybe there were a few curves in the road. Sometimes there was just more to do than one could possibly do.

I offer you the same ideas I challenged them with.

  1. Ask yourself thought provoking questions. What questions are you asking?  What master questions are you using to guide
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Manage Better with the Numbers

socialHow do you stand out online, offline, in advertising, networking? I know I have written about branding for visibility before, but as the internet has expanded our reach for branding seems more difficult.  There are the social media sites, more targeted advertising like Google and Facebook, a big push on content, both original and curated. But with all of this the big question is are you making money???Are you reaching the goals you set?

Investment of time and money in marketing for any of the above is only as good as the ROI, the actual business you derive from it. Read More

Three Actions that will Make you a Stronger Leader


Since we just launched the Mind Masters Managers group, I want to introduce you to Karl Bimshas, the facilitator of the group by way of one of his insights on Leadership.

Three Actions that will Make you a Stronger Leader

By Karl Bimshas

Adopt these three principles and your communication with others will be clearer, and your results will be greater. Working in tandem, they have already served me well multiple times this month. When I’ve followed them, I lead better. When I’ve ignored them, I’ve had less satisfying interactions.

  1. Put aside your ego.
    While you should always have positive
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Ready, Set, Go! 2016 Has Started, Are You Ready?

I came across an article by a business broker that seemed to echo my theme when I do the first of the year Summit. Here’s how he starts out;

“Every January we all think about making resolutions such as: Losing weight, taking a vacation, moving our residence or even better relationships.

  • How about thinking about a Business Resolution for 2016?
  • If money were no object, what could you do to improve your business?
  • If you had a “not so good year”, what was the reason?
  • If you had a “great year”, what did you do to get there?

Can you Read More

What’s it Going to Take?

dream bigAs we prepare for the New Year, I challenged my Mind Master members to either add to their Dream List or begin one. Each step in our growth, whether business or life requires choices. If you don’t have a Dream List how can you begin to set goals and stay focused? I remember a client years ago, he owned a Real Estate business and chose to work with me because the previous year he had reached his goal by mid-year and did not achieve anything else the rest of the year. He neither had a dream list or even a … Read More