2nd Quarter Business Strategy Session

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Date(s) - April 6, 2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


UPDATE:  With the need to keep our distance the April 6th 2020 Second Quarter Refocusing Strategy will not be held as usual.

Those of you who have asked and anyone else interested, the PDF material can be made available.

The question is will you do it on your own?

    1. Here is the Plan: at 9AM on the 6th I will kick off a ZOOM call introduction to get you focused and started.
    2. A check in ZOOM call at 10:30 AM to answer any questions or for you to share.
    3.  At noon we can call in again to share learnings.
    4.  I will make myself available the rest of the week to brainstorm areas that are a challenging.

Cost for everyone is $20.  Please decide quickly so I can manage getting the PDF to you.

To empower small business owner’s achievement in personal, professional and financial growth.

Accelerate Your Success

Achievement in any area of life requires commitment and consistency, and perhaps as a business owner, it requires it even more. As an entrepreneur You have set goals for the year, how well is your current plan working? Have you won the gold yet? Have you made a series of good wins so that you are in line for having the best year for your business and your life?

Now is the time to position yourself for greater success by refocusing your strategies for more effective execution. You are invited to the most rewarding business session, where you and other business owners sharpen your strategic thinking, enhance your strengths and revitalize your resources.  You will better align your values and vision for engineering success into every action or decision you make.

The Master Planning Strategy Session is a proven results-oriented system that directs you to get maximum results from your time, money and effort.

You Will:

Transform ideas into tangible results

  • Take the right steps now: re-evaluate your goals
  • See better profits from more focused action
  • Expand capabilities and enjoy the experience of learning from others
  • Cross the Finish Line Winning

Cost: $20 (everyone)

Register by 4/03/2020


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