Category Archives: Marketing

Keeping It All Together: Test Your Priorities

As we quickly move into 2nd Quarter it is easy to continue to be caught up in the bustle of day to day business in the drive to make sure you meet your monthly financial goal. It can be tempting to spend a significant portion of you time fighting the myriad fires that crop up every day.
Now is a good time to step back and set laser-sharp focus on the really important priorities, so you can keep from spending time on what is not.

By taking time to review your business goals and results the priorities should be unmistakably … Read More

The Slight Edge

This can be the year of your dreams, the year of great accomplishment, the year you realize and utilize your untapped potential; the year you achieve long sought after goals in all areas of your life. This year will be exciting and rewarding only if you make it so.  You ask how can I determine to make it such a year?  The year will hold accomplishment, realization and achievement only if you expect it to happen; only if you enter and live each day with an understanding of the slight edge. Let me explain.

For ten years, I worked with Read More

The 11th Hour – Decision Time

We are in the 11th Hour – November 2016- decision time to end with a bang or whimper!

Our newsletter last month was a full on wake up call to make sure your financial records are in order before taxes are due and to know where you are overall from a profit and loss perspective.  Hopefully you have taken some time to review and catch up.

This is also the time to assess some other aspects of your business and yourself. A strategic analysis is directed at looking at where your business is positioned in the present market. But … Read More

Are You Going for the Gold?

Gold_MedalHere we are in the second half of the year, the summer Olympics will start in a few weeks and I am working to open our minds to getting in the “GAME”. Of course some of us play the game differently. Maybe it is time to change the way we are playing

How can you play in a BIGGER Game? What would it take to “Go for the Gold”?

We have been watching the trials for getting on the Olympic Teams, these athletes spend hours practicing for that one chance to win a place on the team. We know they … Read More

Create a Business that has a Lasting Foundation

foundationIn last month’s newsletter I shared a program, BUILD A BUSINESS YOU LOVE: Build Your Business, Protect Your Assets & Leave a Legacy presented by one of our Mind Masters members who is a Business Broker. The premise of the program is to get you, the business owner thinking about making sure you are building a business with a smart foundation. In order to do that, you must create a systematized business. It’s absolutely critical to the future growth and success of your business.

Why? Well according to the Michael Gerber organization (The E Myth),” systems are essential to:

  • Build
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5 Ways to Stay On Top Of Your “Game”

5 Ways to Stay On Top Of Your “Game”With first quarter finished, I wanted to make sure all of my members were ready and willing to push on with the same enthusiasm they came out of the January Summit with. Sometimes more of the same just doesn’t motivate us to keep going. Maybe the plan was too aggressive, maybe there were a few curves in the road. Sometimes there was just more to do than one could possibly do.

I offer you the same ideas I challenged them with.

  1. Ask yourself thought provoking questions. What questions are you asking?  What master questions are you using to guide
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Manage Better with the Numbers

socialHow do you stand out online, offline, in advertising, networking? I know I have written about branding for visibility before, but as the internet has expanded our reach for branding seems more difficult.  There are the social media sites, more targeted advertising like Google and Facebook, a big push on content, both original and curated. But with all of this the big question is are you making money???Are you reaching the goals you set?

Investment of time and money in marketing for any of the above is only as good as the ROI, the actual business you derive from it. Read More

Ready, Set, Go! 2016 Has Started, Are You Ready?

I came across an article by a business broker that seemed to echo my theme when I do the first of the year Summit. Here’s how he starts out;

“Every January we all think about making resolutions such as: Losing weight, taking a vacation, moving our residence or even better relationships.

  • How about thinking about a Business Resolution for 2016?
  • If money were no object, what could you do to improve your business?
  • If you had a “not so good year”, what was the reason?
  • If you had a “great year”, what did you do to get there?

Can you Read More

What’s it Going to Take?

dream bigAs we prepare for the New Year, I challenged my Mind Master members to either add to their Dream List or begin one. Each step in our growth, whether business or life requires choices. If you don’t have a Dream List how can you begin to set goals and stay focused? I remember a client years ago, he owned a Real Estate business and chose to work with me because the previous year he had reached his goal by mid-year and did not achieve anything else the rest of the year. He neither had a dream list or even a … Read More

How to Build Confidence

confidenceWorking with entrepreneurs and small business owners I hear a lot of resistance to sales. Or more specifically that they are sales men/women. In order to be successful in sales, (since we all are essentially in sales) we must approach every selling situation with the right attitude. But what is the “right” attitude? An attitude is a mental disposition toward events, people, or situations that controls behavior.

Being consciously aware of your attitudes can prepare you in advance of any need. And that means you have a choice or as Viktor Frankl puts it, “Everything can be taken from a Read More