Category Archives: Business Management

Small Business Jobs Act of 2010

On Sept. 27, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Small Business Jobs Act, the most significant piece of small business legislation in over a decade. The new law is providing critical resources to help small businesses continue to drive economic recovery and create jobs. The new law extended the successful SBA enhanced loan provisions while offering billions more in lending support, tax cuts, and other opportunities for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

For more detailed information on the Small Business Jobs Act, go to… Read More

2011 Breakthrough Business Summit

Increase Profit and Advance Your Business Success

As an entrepreneur and small business owner you have a unique opportunity in this market climate to take advantage of fewer competitors and your ability to be flexible. This is a great time to reinvent yourself, grow, expand and build a strong foundation for the future.

“This is the BEST time ever for your business!”

Join other small business owners on January 10, 2011, 9:30am to 3:00pm, at the Mission Valley Resort & Conference Center, 875 Hotel Circle South in San Diego and learn to take your business to the next level with … Read More

Delegation and Growth

I had a meeting with one of my members who was sharing his frustration about the way his vision for the business just wasn’t happening. He kept getting bogged down in things that didn’t allow him time to work on creating the vision. He came to realize that although he had job descriptions, he had not fully delegated all of the work to the people he had hired.

Small business owners often ignore the need for an organizational chart. This is a mistake, because when you detail all of the roles and/or positions necessary to profitably manage the business and … Read More

10 Ways to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

It is easy in any economy to get stuck in a comfort zone. When things are going well, you stop doing the necessary things consistently; prospecting, following up and saying thank you, In a slow economic time, fear sets in, you stop investing in the things that keep you visible; networking, advertising, asking for testimonials. Your Success is built on a variety of choices you make, review the following to tap the potential you have barely scratched the surface of.

1. Redefine your Goals: Get crystal clear about the goals that motivate you to do the work it takes to … Read More

Create Your Own Economic Stimulus Package

Today, nothing plays a greater role in the success or failure of your company then execution. And if you are going to succeed in today’s ultra competitive climate, you’ve got to find the gap between what you want to achieve and your ability to deliver. Not simply tactics, but a system of getting things done through questioning, analysis and follow through.

Join me Monday, March 29th 9:30am as small business owners gather to plan their own economic stimulus package at the Mind Masters Second Quarter Planning Session. These are some of the things you’ll need to think about as you … Read More

Jumpstart Your Daily Time Management: Take Stock of Your Revenue Generating Activities

How do I plan my time? Was the question of the day at Mind Masters. I have always held that the focus needs to be on high priority, high payoff activity if goals are to be achieved. For the solopreneur that is sometimes hard to define. The key here is to know what the goal or end result is, the question then, is simply how do I get there? Planning and scheduling on a weekly basis has always been the easiest way for me to make the progress toward my goals. Over the years I have also heard that you … Read More

Key #3 Track Your Progress

Mind Masters Entrepreneur Association wanted to share a set of keys that when committed to and practiced consistently produce success in any economy.

Nothing is accomplished by setting objectives, resolutions, behaviors unless there is a system or program in place for regular review of progress. Just like any game, there must be a score card in order to determine the outcome.Read More

Build on Experiences and Accomplishments

As workers create the foundation for a new building site by laying out cinder blocks, they must first place cement between them before they can proceed to add others to build another level. At Mind Masters we encourage members to share their successes, achievements and things they learned in order to lay a foundation for their on going success. Jack Canfield says that “the more you acknowledge your past successes, the more confident you become in taking on and successfully accomplishing new ones”.

This is especially important now with so much chatter about the “bad economy” and businesses failing. If … Read More

Make Customers Your #1 Priority

To maintain on going relationships with clients/customers requires a consistent program that delivers value and meaningful actions. If you are not working at strengthening those relationships you are making it easier for your competitors to insert themselves into your market place. So what values (that require specific behaviors for them to be visible) and actions are you taking to facilitate a memorable customer service process?

We frequent the same restaurants and fast food establishments because we get what we want consistently. When they don’t deliver, we move on elsewhere. A few years ago my favorite coffee chain introduced a new … Read More