Category Archives: Articles

How to Cope with CHANGE

Here it is half of the year is finished.  How many of you after these several months working day and night to achieve those goals you set in January to create a new service, introduce a new product or even design a new business model – all at once find all the drive that brought the initial motivation and excitement has melted away, the steam has run out, the place you are in is comfortable and the dream world has slipped out from under?

This is the wakeup call.  You must reawaken the drive and motivation, you must motivate yourself!  … Read More

Choose Your Success

What is it inside of people that makes them willing to risk everything they have to be in business?  Is it to join the league of greats like Ford, Carnegie, Hearst, Jobs, Gates or just to have the freedom of being in a business of their own?

Perhaps it is the spirit passed down by parents or grandparents who ran the butcher shops, bakeries and small service businesses from the beginning of time.  Some say it is a burning desire that hits like a flash of lightening or an idea that begs to be developed.

At the height of it Read More

Be Your Own Hero

Last week I was privileged to conduct the Mind Masters’ Annual Summit. This year the program was titled: Be Your Own Hero: Engage the Adventure Called Change. Having realized that after almost two years of COVID, all organizations and businesses have been faced with Change at an accelerated rate and velocity that is unlike anything we have understood since WWII things needed to change.

Having listened to and read several articles that identify the old paradigm of our thinking that we must “have” what we want, before we can “do” what we want and “be” what we want I realized Read More

Into the Future

As I got Mind Masters members planning this last quarter it was with the realization that I then had to plant the seed to move past this last part of the year and to start thinking about the future. For some that seems challenging, between the violence, natural disasters, and divisive political climate, it’s been a rough year for many of us. We’re inundated with negatives nearly 24/7 from the news, social media, and even in-person conversations.

No matter what your situation, it is critical to take time each and every day to focus on what you are grateful for!Read More

Celebrating 30 Years of Mind Masters: Looking Back to Look Ahead

WOW have things changed in 30 years! Yet even with the uncertainties that the COVID virus has produced, Mind Masters and our members have held together to cheer each other on to make changes needed to stay afloat.

Some members wanted to know if we were going to celebrate like we did for our 25th, but my decision was to step back and plan it at the beginning of 2022. I needed this time to look at what we have learned in order to look beyond just staying afloat.

So what has made the difference for Mind Masters Read More

Do You Know What Drives Your Business?

In setting a challenge for members of Mind Masters this month, I asked them to commit to a specific financial number that will propel them forward for the balance of this year and into next. Some have faced downturns due to the pandemic, others have forged ahead due to grants, loans or just good markets.  But what number or numbers really need attention that would change the outomes?

Let me ask YOU, what number do you look at when trying to determine if your business is successful and growing or not? Most small business owners focus on Revenue (sales) or Read More

How Are You at Setting Priorities?

Why am I hearing time management and over whelm issues from many members? As a business owners, it’s easy to get caught up in the bustle of day-to-day business. As things begin to open up the drive to reach out and catch up on financial goals can be tempting to allow oneself spending a significant portion of time fighting the myriad fires that crop up every day. Instead, it is getting more important to take the time to step back and set “laser-sharp” priorities that focus on what’s really important – and keep from spending time on what’s not.

 … Read More

Does your Brand stand out?

Is It Time for a Branding Makeover? 

“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” Vince Lombardi

Do you remember the real Colonel Sanders? Not the fake characters that have been popping up on all the KFC TV ads lately. Having had the opportunity of meeting the original Colonel Sanders, it really frustrates me to see these imitators. The Colonel was focused, dedicated to the quality of his products and determined that all the franchises show up “giving the best”.

Having spent the last few weeks

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What’s Keeping You Afloat?

As an entrepreneur going it alone during some of these tough times can knock you flat.  What have you encountered in your business this year?  Are staying ahead? Have you stepped back? What have you learned and are you using the learning to move? How often have you let yourself go down that dark road and beat yourself up when things didn’t turn out according to “plan”?  As you entered this Quarter did you adjust your plan?  This is the time to step up and step “out”!

My members know I enjoy watching “Shark Tank”, a group of successful entrepreneurs … Read More

Pursue Your Goals with More Meaning

During an interview last week on a topic of “finding my purpose” that I contributed to a collaborative book Life Wisdom Word Search: Yoga for the Brain, I was asked if I thought that small business owners know their purpose? My answer was no.

Let’s talk about this. You see I think most business owners either have a skill, see a market that will make them money or have worked for someone and know they can do it better. There is also misunderstanding at times between Purpose and Vision.

Your Vision is the big picture of what the future … Read More