Author Archives: Barbara Eldridge

Understand the Value of Networking

Having spent a good part of my early life shy and introverted the idea of marketing myself was the biggest challenge I had to overcome.  It meant I would have to overcome the fear of talking to people or risk not accomplishing my goals. Putting myself into first a monthly networking group and then a weekly executive group got me out of those uncomfortable feelings (small steps).

Networking helped me focus on helping other people with their challenges.  So I built my Success Motivation business and Mind Masters program by Networking, which provided me with lessons along the way that … Read More

Work with Your Strengths

Recently while sharing a topic on productivity with Mind Masters members, it reminded me of one of the keys I wrote about in my Master the Game of Business book, “work from your strengths”.
You have the opportunity to do what you do best everyday; but chances are you don’t because you are not investing your time making the most of the strengths, skills and resources you already have. Psychologists have studied the effect that when you’re focusing on strengths, you have higher productivity and increased overall satisfaction with results.

When a Business owner focuses on the business’s strengths, they … Read More

Reframe Your Mindset

As we approach the end of another Quarter it is a great time to assess not just the sales you have made or the clients/customers you have acquired but rather knowing yourself. Want to know the secret for having a big business breakthrough this year?

Most people think it’s all about marketing strategies and sales techniques. The #1 most important thing for growing your business and attracting your ideal clients is YOU!

Your energy. Your style. Who you are and how you show up. Some people call it mindset, but mindset of what? As business owners we all need to … Read More

Is It Time for a Branding Makeover?

“I made a resolve then that I was going to amount to something if I could. And no hours, nor amount of labor, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me.” ―Harland Sanders

Do you remember the real Colonel Sanders? Not the fake characters that have been popping up on all the KFC TV ads lately. Having had the opportunity of meeting the original Colonel Sanders, it really frustrates me to see these imitators. The Colonel was focused, dedicated to the quality of his products and determined that all the franchises show Read More

Play a BIGGER Game!

As I have intermittently watched some of the Olympic competitions I ask myself what fuels the human desire to get someone through all the perspiration necessary to overcome the inevitable obstacles along the way. I believe each of those athletes had to move from hoping to knowing they had what it takes to compete on the Olympic stage.

Last month in my newsletter I focused on commitment to goals, and gave some principles necessary to exert the inexorable power on your outcomes. What I have asked my Mind Masters members to do was to consider generating 10X times their revenue … Read More

Commitment Counts!

Commitment is the Mind Masters theme for this year.  This can be the year of your dreams, the year of great accomplishment, the year you realize and utilize your untapped potential; the year you achieve long sought after goals in all areas of your life. This year will be exciting and rewarding only if you make it so.  You ask how can I determine to make it such a year?  The year will hold accomplishment, realization and achievement only if you commit to making it happen; only if you enter and live each day with the commitment to your goals.Read More

Stay Top of Mind!

Last week during one of the Mind Masters brainstorming times the group challenged a team member about his lack of communication with past clients. When was the last time you reached out to those customers you have done business with? If you haven’t sent a marketing message to your customers in the last 90 days, then you’re already behind the pack.

With businesses coming and going clients need to know you are still around.  At this time of the year B to B customers have already set budgets for next year, are you on their radar? For others who serve … Read More

Preparing for a Profitable 2018!

By Mary Jo Ray

We are down to the countdown for finishing up the year. In addition to pushing to reach your goals for this year, you need to look at what you learned this year to set the foundation for a more profitable 2018. Spend time to look at your financial statements and figure out what brought in money and how profitable it was. Look at how much money each service or product brought in and all the related costs. The related costs include the marketing dollars you spent and the time you and/or your staff spent. Start by Read More

How Well do YOU Juggle??

When I sit in Mind Masters every week I realize how much of a juggling act business is, my own included. How do we increase our productivity, when we’re already working at maximum capacity? How do we take more time off to get the rejuvenation we need, when we have so much to do? How do we deal with the increasing distractions and interruptions that are taking our attention away from the high-value work that makes us the most money? How do we systematize our productivity, and create habits that work for us naturally and automatically every day? How do Read More

Video and the Marketplace

Mind Masters and Video in the MarketplaceThis has been one of the most fun topics we have shared at Mind Masters for many reasons. Many things showed up for the business owners in each of the groups when I introduced the topic, like fear, uncertainty, lack of confidence and no video skill sets. Can you relate?

So first we had to talk about stepping out of the comfort zone and trying something new, after all isn’t that what we ask customers and clients to do when they engage with you? Each person has an expertise that is unique to them that others can learn from and … Read More