Author Archives: Barbara Eldridge

Closing Time

   Small business owners often find sales the most difficult part of being in business. In fact I have found they don’t want to be categorized as “sales” people. Often during Mind Masters meetings I suggest they reframe how they see the process.

   Selling in today’s environment requires an inquisitive mindset. So the consultative sales process is a way to gather as much information as possible about a prospect and then be able to prescribe one’s product or service solution to the prospect’s problem/issue. If this process is followed carefully, the close (asking for the “order”) will follow easily also keeping … Read More

The Power of Ideas 3

How many times has someone let you know there was a misspelled word on your flyer, brochure or web site? Those mistakes affect how professional you are perceived you to be. Again, when Mind Masters members’ have an expertise, they willing share it so their fellow members can gain some insight. Since small business owners do it all, Laurie’s editing tips were the perfect information we all could use.

Quick Proofreading Tips

Let’s face it: spell-check isn’t enough. Word processing software just isn’t smart enough to distinguish between “to,” “two,” and “too”; only a human brain can do that. The … Read More

Meet Our Members

Upcoming event information:

Interview with Kathy Cazin and Linda Harris Online – Details will be sent upon registration

Date: 15 July 2010, Thursday 02:00 PM

Kathy Cazin of Accountkeepers of San Diego helps clients set up an accounting system that is custom tailored to their needs.

Kathy and her staff help make it work for clients because they are QuickBooks experts who specialize in setting up home and business financial records for keeping track of where the money is being spent. Their instructions are explained at a level that’s easily understood by everyone, beginners to advanced. Soon a “word person” … Read More

The Power of Ideas 2

Mind Masters members’ have skills, experiences and expertise that they willing share with fellow members each week. Again how you present yourself to your market creates a perception. With a highly visual audience, a good photograph is on of the essential tools. Our member Barbara Steinberg shared her expertise, so we all can manage the perceptions we want our market to have.

Tips from a professional photographer for a successful portrait session.

  • Review the photographer’s portfolio to see the style of his or her work.
  • Request a variety of expressions. Include a fun smile, a warm friendly smile, or a
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The Power of Ideas

When you have a team of people who support each other in getting clear and sharing ideas, great information is produced. This of course has produced tremendous power in our Mind Masters groups. Napoleon Hill commented about it in Think and Grow Rich, when he wrote “Power is essential for success … Gaining power through the … coordination of knowledge and effort. . . .”. I want to share with you some of the knowledge that members have shared, that if used can affect how you show up in your market place for a more powerful brand.

Communication is one … Read More

10 Ways to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

It is easy in any economy to get stuck in a comfort zone. When things are going well, you stop doing the necessary things consistently; prospecting, following up and saying thank you, In a slow economic time, fear sets in, you stop investing in the things that keep you visible; networking, advertising, asking for testimonials. Your Success is built on a variety of choices you make, review the following to tap the potential you have barely scratched the surface of.

1. Redefine your Goals: Get crystal clear about the goals that motivate you to do the work it takes to … Read More

Priceless Relationships

Over the winter perhaps it has been easy to slip into the habit of staying in the office and doing business by phone and email. But Spring is here and in these economic times it is important to lock in customer loyalty and make customer satisfaction your number one priority. Drop by or schedule a time to meet with clients. Listen for opportunities where you can offer a solution for their problems.

Not only do you need customer goodwill but you need to understand customer problems. Get as close to your customers as possible. Call and ask your customers how … Read More

Economic Stimulus Comments

I learned that I am already on a good track from what I followed through on from the January session. I learned that what YOU are able to get me to commit to accomplishing is amazing!

You put those seeds there, you encourage me. You put me on the right track over and over. I am so thankful for Barbara Eldridge!!

Janice Sherlock, The Sherlock Group

I learned the value of stopping the madness and making a plan for the month and breaking it down to actionable time lined accountabilities rather than the “trying to remember it all” method which … Read More

Create Your Own Economic Stimulus Package

Today, nothing plays a greater role in the success or failure of your company then execution. And if you are going to succeed in today’s ultra competitive climate, you’ve got to find the gap between what you want to achieve and your ability to deliver. Not simply tactics, but a system of getting things done through questioning, analysis and follow through.

Join me Monday, March 29th 9:30am as small business owners gather to plan their own economic stimulus package at the Mind Masters Second Quarter Planning Session. These are some of the things you’ll need to think about as you … Read More