Author Archives: Barbara Eldridge

2011 2nd Quarter Refocusing Strategy Session

Maximize Results and Accelerate Your Success

The only business sessions that gives you the “slight edge” for
consistent growth and success.

Today, nothing plays a greater role in the success of your company then being able to think fast and move fast. And if you are going to succeed in today’s ultra competitive climate, you’ve got to take time to create a catalyst for your ideas.
That includes how to design and deliver your products or services, how to find
and sell customers, how to create a business that works all of the time and how
to integrate your vision … Read More

Small Business Jobs Act of 2010

On Sept. 27, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Small Business Jobs Act, the most significant piece of small business legislation in over a decade. The new law is providing critical resources to help small businesses continue to drive economic recovery and create jobs. The new law extended the successful SBA enhanced loan provisions while offering billions more in lending support, tax cuts, and other opportunities for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

For more detailed information on the Small Business Jobs Act, go to… Read More

Selling for People Who Don’t Like Selling

Here’s some tips to set the stage for better Selling:

1. Create the sales process ahead of time, (an appointment script, a list of qualifying questions, a presentation script and your closing question).

2. You need a lead management system, (know who your A, B and C prospects are).

3. Perfect your two most important sales skills: listening & observing.

4. Remember, people trust people they like and selling is all about trust

5. Take action and track your results, (know your appointment to call ratio, presentation to sales ratio so you can work on the areas that need improvement).… Read More

Sales is NOT an Evil Word

How are you at selling or is selling a concept that you tend to shy away from? You are not alone, but resistance to it shows up in how consistently your business grows.

Perhaps you find marketing tactics more fun, you know postcards, email newsletters, brochures, social networking, but sales tactics are essential to every business and can be learned. In fact sales is a function of marketing and requires a process and tactics.

When you walk into a department store, their sales people are assigned to a particular department so they can answer your specific questions about colors, or … Read More

How Do You Spell Success?

What it takes to be an Entrepreneur of the Year:

The willingness to stand alone

The confidence to challenge the conventional

The commitment to a vision

The passion for being on top

An ability to believe what we want is possible.

The Mind Masters Entrepreneur of the Year person had a good year! I have observed him willing to push himself into uncharted waters during tough times. Working on his vision for the future and transforming his business to grow has been his biggest challenge, but he has never let up and is always willing to learn. While handling clients, … Read More

2011 Breakthrough Business Summit

Increase Profit and Advance Your Business Success

As an entrepreneur and small business owner you have a unique opportunity in this market climate to take advantage of fewer competitors and your ability to be flexible. This is a great time to reinvent yourself, grow, expand and build a strong foundation for the future.

“This is the BEST time ever for your business!”

Join other small business owners on January 10, 2011, 9:30am to 3:00pm, at the Mission Valley Resort & Conference Center, 875 Hotel Circle South in San Diego and learn to take your business to the next level with … Read More

Success Essentials

If goal setting is essential to success, then time control and organized activity is the other hand of achievement. Several week ago at the end of one of our weekly Mind Masters meetings the topic of what activities were necessary to guarantee success came up. I commented, that fifty percent of the time members were spending in their daily schedules had absolutely nothing to do with the achievement of their goals.

What are the high priority, high pay off activities in your business? Do you have a formula that you track to produce consistent results? In order to generate income, … Read More

Have You Found the “Silver Bullet”?

How many books, e-books, programs, workshops etc. have you bought into lately looking for that “silver bullet” for success? The “silver bullet” of success means different things to different people. During time of economic change I have found business owners questioning what success really means to them. It was not too long ago that many thought go back and getting a “job” was that silver bullet. Funny how things change.

Success is very personal, and it is up to each of us to discover it for ourselves. It requires a vast reserve of inner strength which is based on your … Read More

Are You Listening?

There was a saying I learned many years ago about the sales process that said “selling ain’t telling, it’s asking questions”. I think we can all agree that we don’t want to be told about a product or service, but respond well when someone spends the time to really understand what we want and why it is important to us. The key here is good listening skills. Do you understand the difference talking, telling and communicating? Effective, Successful, result-oriented, persuasive communication is far different from the day to day version – it takes Knowledge, thought, planning and execution.

  • How would
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Delegation and Growth

I had a meeting with one of my members who was sharing his frustration about the way his vision for the business just wasn’t happening. He kept getting bogged down in things that didn’t allow him time to work on creating the vision. He came to realize that although he had job descriptions, he had not fully delegated all of the work to the people he had hired.

Small business owners often ignore the need for an organizational chart. This is a mistake, because when you detail all of the roles and/or positions necessary to profitably manage the business and … Read More