Author Archives: Barbara Eldridge

Time and Money

This is the time of the year to do some analysis and review of your business and your effectiveness in running it. Are you keeping up with the pace of change? The pace of technology? The pace of your marketplace? The pace of your competition? (that’s a head full to take on). As you look to 2013, how much do you and your business have to change to keep pace?

In an article by Gary Ryan Blair he says, any endeavor “is sabotaged or supported by how much control you exercise over the investment, direction, and consumption of your time … Read More

Know the Game You Are In: Keep Score

Did you spend hours pulling together your tax records in preparation for filing your October tax return? It was agonizing watching one of my clients, a CPA, trying to get his clients to get him last year’s work?  Or worse yet hearing his frustration in the 11th hour when a client owed the IRS more money because they had failed to confer with him ahead of time to plan the right strategies.

Where is your business now in relation to this year’s financial goals?  Is your business surviving or thriving? Do you have your finger on the financial aspects of … Read More

Do it Now!

Twenty four hundred years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato said, “If a man would move the world, he must first move himself.”  That statement is as true today as it was then.  We not only can’t move the world, we can’t accomplish anything productive unless we translate our ideas, our plans and our decisions into immediate action.

We are at the 11th Hour (decision time) to end 2012 with a bang or a whimper.

What have you decided?  I hope you have chosen the “bang” – here’s why.  This last quarter is the time to gear up, to double and … Read More

Running a Business is a Constant Challenge

After several years of presenting topics and introducing guest presenters,  last week we changed the format of our Marketing Meet Up. We wanted to provide our members with the chance to share their marketing challenges and learn from the experience of other entrepreneurs in a supportive and stimulating environment. Wow what an evening, attendees got how-tos, fresh ideas, and answers they were looking for.

As small biz owners, we all work in a degree of isolation. When things get hard, where do you go for help? Given the time and resources you put into your business, the last thing you … Read More

Are You Missing This Key Strategy?

As the Web and Social Networking have rapidly become the valuable business tool, small businesses have new opportunities for selling their products and services. The good news — and it is largely good news — is that everyone has a chance to stand out. Everyone has a chance to learn, improve, and build up their skills. Everyone has a chance to stand up and be counted.

One way is to build influence and trust so that you can increase sales of your product or service. Influence is the new catch word. Angie’s List and Yelp have made a business out … Read More

Are the Sharks Biting?

It’s Mid-Year! Are you ahead of the wave? Are the “sharks” at your heals? What keeps you on top?

My members know I enjoy watching “Shark Tank”, a group of successful entrepreneurs looking to get their teeth (and money) into more entrepreneurial endeavors. I watch in order to understand what investors look for in the individuals that present themselves.

Here is what I’ve learned:
1. How you present yourself says a lot. Can you tell your prospects in 90 seconds a problem-oriented, attention-getting statement about what you do? You may not be looking for investors, but you are always looking … Read More

The Power of the Business Card: It Brands You and Creates a Source of Leads When You Collect Others

How often do you attend a networking event only to find you did not bring enough business cards?  Or perhaps the one person you want to connect with had run out of cards and all you could do is give them yours, with the hope they would follow up?

Never down play the power of a good business card and the leverage it can have.  Your Business card is one of the
most classic ways to brand you, your business or service.  They are inexpensive, portable and a powerful marketing tool.

Your business card helps you put your best foot … Read More

Marketing Elements Through Which Everything Flows

During the last six weeks the topics at our Mind Masters meetings have focused on the essential aspects of a marketing system. Yes, marketing is not only a system, it may be the most important system in any business. We recognized that before you can put all the elements into a system you must gather the “pieces parts.”

To help you determine the current viability of your marketing elements (and ultimately, your marketing system) let’s see what you have in place.

  • How about an active mailing or email list? Do you have from 500 to 2,000 on this list that
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Do It Now!

One of the most important qualities that leads business owners to success is being a self-starter. Within this quality is the ability to manage time for achieving life’s dreams and goals. So much has been written and spoken about time management, but what is the controlling factor that affects how we use our time?

People say it is having a passion for what we do and want. Others say it is sticking to a plan, or being accountable to someone. It is probably all of that plus “awareness.” Here is what I mean by awareness. If you haven’t tapped into … Read More

Strategy Refocusing Workshop

San Diego Mind Masters Strategy Refocus WorkshopThe only business sessions that gives you the “slight edge” for consistent growth and success.

What is the one thing you must do in your business to be successful? What is more important to focus on above everything else? The One Big Thing is an absolute commitment to attracting new customers.

Have you implemented new ways to attract customers, keep them interested, built committed client relationships so they continue to respond. How prepared are you to meet customers in the changing market place?

Designed to deepen business acumen, broaden decision making capability and strengthen self-discipline, the Mind Masters Quarterly Strategy … Read More