Meeting Schedules

A Round Table of Supportive Business Owners Helping You Achieve Great Things
San Diego Business Meetings
“Working with Dave the last few weeks has been Amazing. With my illness, it’s tough being productive consistently day to day. With Dave’s coaching, I’ve been able to get so much done, I’m really excited about all the new possibilities ahead for my business.” ~ Matt Henry, Internet Influencer “The IB Dad”
“The brainstorming format, merged with the goal specific accountability has given me just what I needed to get past my prior limitations.” ~ Lee Ferguson, The Coring Group
At Mind Masters meetings, you will get clear on where you are going with your business and what the priorities are for accomplishing your goals and results. You will begin to focus on the “high priority, high payoff” areas of your business so that you can enjoy consistent, on-going success. The structure of support keeps you in action and on track.
- Come with an open mind, and demonstrate TRUST, RESPECT, and CONFIDENTIALITY
- Weekly meetings last for 1 ½ hours.
- Come prepared to share an achievement or accomplishment you feel good about.
- Each week members and guests are given time to describe their situation, challenge or resource they need, to work toward a project or goal.
- The other members of the group are expected to participate by: (a.) listening; (b.) asking clarifying questions; and (c.) offering constructive ideas and suggestions.
- Each member/guest is provided a Win-Win Agreement Tracker. This is a valuable tool to use to refine goals and track progress.
We invite you to visit a local meeting of your choice, and receive a FREE Strategy Session Valued at $75 to help achieve the results you desire. You may visit twice before committing to membership.
“It’s an amazing opportunity to share experiences and—more importantly—find solutions!”
San Diego Meetings
We meet Thursdays from 9:30 – 11am. Email meredith[at] for Zoom info.